Our Pork

When we first set out on our venture we wanted to create the best tasting pork possible. We decided to use the traditional taste of the ‘Gloucester Old Spot’ and cross it with the huge muscle from the ‘Piertrain’ pig. This in turn has created a product that has beautiful, tender tasting meat but a slightly smaller fat layer than a pure Gloucester Old Spot. 

This has created us our ‘Park End Pig’ that is cut to perfection by our master butcher.

Hand reared on the farm, our sows do not see crates and our piglets are raised naturally in deep straw beds. Fed our own bespoke mix that is grown and milled directly on the farm our pigs thrive. 

We have also built our pigs a bespoke pig unit that not only gives them warmth and space but outdoor access all year round and paddocks to run and roll in. Our pigs are definitely happy pigs and this reflects in their meat.

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