Our Beef

Here at Park End Farming we believe that Aberdeen Angus cattle produce the best beef in the world as it carries the ideal fat to muscle ratio that produce the most phenomenal cuts of meat. Cut to perfection by our master butcher our beef is flavoursome, extremely tender and mouth watering.
Our cattle are raised by hand from calves that get to play and frolic together to the 20 month old cattle that roam our pasturelands. Grazed on our rotational grazing system not only do our cattle flourish with the growing grass but the wildlife too. The flowering grasses encourage many different species of insects and butterflies.
In the colder months of Winter our bespoke cattle sheds house all of our herd on fresh deep beds of straw and fed a mix that is grown specifcally and milled on our farm along with our cut grass from the Summer in the form of Haylage. Our cattle lead a harmonious, stress free life and you can taste it.